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Our Inspiration: Britten Hartnett Tyler 
October 7, 1977 – January 31, 2021

Few people were as loyal as Britten Tyler.  She had a rare understanding of the bigger picture and the significance of holding on to old friends.  Her magnetism came from the combination of her beautiful fragility, extraordinary strength, and tear-inducing sense of humor.​ Britty, as she was affectionally called, also believed in giving back in ways both large and small.  For more than a decade, she volunteered at Boston Children’s Hospital as well as several animal shelters in greater Boston.  Her deep sense of compassion also drove her to spend her adult life helping teenage girls by sharing the experience of her own battle with an eating disorder. ​ 


In 2016, Britten gave birth to her son, Wat (Watty) Henry Tyler. Immediately, it was obvious to all that motherhood (both to Watty and her beloved French Bulldog, Chewy) was her life’s highest calling. She was a natural, and it was in becoming a mom that she was happiest. In 2020, she and her husband, Wat, were thrilled to announce that they were expecting a baby girl. Britten was never more fulfilled and filled with love than on January 23, 2021 when she gave birth to Lila Knauer Tyler.​  


Just one week later, Britten tragically died of a sudden aortic dissection at the age of 43. ​ 


What she left behind was a legacy of love for those facing their darkest days. That legacy was carried on in the way her community of friends and family rallied around her family.  Given Britten's incredible passion for children and giving back to others, it wasn’t challenging to decide on what the focus of her foundation would be – ensuring children who lose a parental figure or sibling feel the same love and care that her own children had experienced. 

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